Annual tax assistance

Conex Afrique

"CONEX AFRIQUE" proposes an annual subscription which covers the following services:

  • Sending of its "Advisors’ Bulletin" relating to tax, parafiscality, business law and corporate law in Senegal. Aimed to follow the news in these matters, it has no fixed periodicity.
  • Answering to oral or written questions about taxation, business law and corporate law current in Senegal, including international tax treaties’ application.
  • Audit and tax review. 
  • Assistance and Legal Representation of companies during procedures of tax control, assessment or regularization. Assistance during Tax Inspection.
  • Legal expertise and analysis, provision of advice in tax matters.
  • Review of  the Balance Sheet for the preparation and subscription of the corporate tax’s return; 
  • Control of tax notices, information requests, tax assessments, issued by the Tax Administration. 
  • Support and Training in corporate tax keeping.